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Use DICE instead of RACI
By Clay Parker Jones profile image Clay Parker Jones
3 min read

Use DICE instead of RACI

RACI is vague, hard to use, and reinforces the "what the hell is happening here" status quo. DICE is specific, easy to use, and shines a bright light on dysfunction.

Use "Decides" instead of "Responsible."

Responsible is too vague, and easily shifts "up" the org, all the way to the CEO. At the end of the day, are they not ultimately responsible for what happens in the organization? Decides, on the other hand, is specific. Identifying and shifting who decides about what (and how) is the most powerful tool in the structuring of work, and we deserve specific words that push us to make these kinds of choices.

Use "Executes" instead of "Accountable."

Accountable, again, is too vague. It's also unreasonable for someone who is Accountable to not also be Responsible, and vice-versa. Executes is exceptionally clear: it's the person or team that actually does the thing. Writes the deck. Washes the tomatoes. Writes the check to the vendor. Updates the page on the website.

By Clay Parker Jones profile image Clay Parker Jones
Updated on
Organization Design