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Subscribe's About Page
By Clay Parker Jones profile image Clay Parker Jones
1 min read's About Page is a place to collect content and work on ideas in private or with others – and their About Page is as good as I've seen.

I really, really like this.


All the features that you'd like to see from a company building in public – roadmap, team, community projects – and a couple interesting additions that would be cool to see others adopt.

Business model: Clarifying how the business model works, where the money goes (essentially a public P&L, displayed in percentages) ... this is excellent, pro-social behavior. There's a call-to-action to sign up, framed in terms of the overall company purpose.

Pay to be part of the team: You can talk to the team on Fridays, on Discord, if you're a paying customer. Very curious to see how popular and useful this is, given there are 360 "Supporter" tier customers, and more than 11,500 "Premium" tier customers. I talk a lot about putting the customer on the team (This actually works! Especially in B2B!), and this is a really cool way to put this into practice.

Editorial:'s printed Annual book collects writing from around the community and puts in a beautiful paperback. "Supporters" get these for free, and everyone else can pay $20 for a copy. Definitely an incentive to contribute written work to the platform.

By Clay Parker Jones profile image Clay Parker Jones
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